GIN & Tonic Explorer
Double Dutch

Philipp’s Gin Of The Week: Double Dutch

Double Dutch

I tried this gin for the first time when we were preparing for the online GINtasting in March.
We were very happy that Alex had agreed to do an interview during the tasting. The story of his search for the original gin recipe in the London library is awesome. You can also find the interview on YouTube:

During the tasting we served the gin with Double Dutch Skinny Tonic water. Today I would like to suggest another combination to you.
It is the combination of Double Dutch Pomegranate & Basil Mixer with basil and pomegranate .

Try it! Get more recommendations on Ginferno.App.

Try this Gin :

For more recipes other than gin cocktails for parties, you can find them on the GINferno web.

Check out our YouTube channel for videos on preparing cocktails.

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