GIN & Tonic Explorer

André’s Gin Of The Week – NAMGIN

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Today I, or rather we, travel far south on the map. To Namibia. May I introduce: NAM GIN.

First of all, the main ingredient is the Namibian devil’s claw, a medicinal plant that grows in the south-eastern part of Namibia. And this is what the gin connoisseur should slowly approach.

My clear recommendation, after having tried Dry and Indian Tonic for the photo shoot, is something completely different. Either chilled and neat in a grappa glass and yes, with an espresso or, for those with a sweet tooth, dark (very very dark) chocolate.
If you prefer to enjoy the NAM GIN with tonic, then rather with a cucumber-based tonic such as Dr Polidori Cucumber Tonic.

In any case, it stands out and is special.

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